Nossa, que coisa linda! Que mulher abençoada e fantástica!
Simples e muito bela as palavras, faladas pela sua boca. Temos que ir a lugares
onde precisam de nós, onde precisam de pão ou amizade. Se todos pensassem
assim, o mundo não estaria como está hoje: cheio de inimizades, ganancias e egoísmos.
Eu tento fazer minha parte. E você?
"We have to
go looking for people, because they may have a famine of bread or
friendship." Mother Teresa of Calcutta - English and
Wow, what a
beautiful thing! What a blessed and amazing woman! Simple and very beautiful
words, spoken with his mouth. We have to go to places where we need, where they
need bread or friendship. If everyone thought like that, the world would not be
as it is today: full of hatred, and selfishness ganancias. I
try to do my part. And you?
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