Como todos já sabem, fiquei internado por nove dias
no hospital Quinta D’Or. Enfim, passado é passado, só quero viver o presente da
forma mais sublime que existir. Esses dias foram muito impactantes na minha
vida, pois tive um momento para raciocinar e analisar as coisas mínimas de um
relacionamento entre Deus e eu. Kafka foi um homem de obras que retratavam a
ansiedade e a alienação do homem em pleno século XX. Com esse pequeno texto,
provei que as coisas não são do jeito que eu quero e sim o Ele quer. Mas
respeito sua opinião em relação a isso, pois não julgo o caráter de um homem
através das suas crenças religiosas e sim pelas atitudes simples da vida.
Agradeço de coração as pessoas que se preocuparam comigo, pois elas foram um
balsamo diante dos momentos isolados de um hospital. Fico triste com as pessoas
que não me ligaram ou me visitaram, apesar de que não ligo para isso, mas é uma
decepção grande diante das coisas que sempre prego. Você acha que me irrito com
isso? Não! Absolutamente não. Quem quiser vir a mim, que venha de coração feliz
e com o sorriso no rosto. Agradeço muito meus pais que estiveram comigo nesse
momento. Portanto, quero que o mundo se dobre aos seus pés e que a luz e a inteligência,
transforme sua vida em algo muito melhor. Por que eu já transformei a minha
vida, há muitas luas atrás e sempre modifico a cada êxtase que tenho. Viver a
vida não é viver somente por viver, e sim, viver e amadurecer a cada segundo do
seu dia. Eu vivo assim... vivo exponencialmente...
"You do not need to leave home. \ Stay at your desk and listen. \ Do not just listen, but wait. \ Do not just wait, but stay alone in silence. \ Then the world will perform unmasked. \ Ecstatic, will bow on his feet." Franz Kafka
As you all know, I was hospitalized for nine days in the hospital Quinta D'Or. Anyway, past is past, just want to live the present in the most sublime way to exist. Those days were very impactful in my life, because I had a moment to think and analyze the smallest matters of a relationship between God and me. Kafka was a man of works depicting anxiety and alienation of man in the twentieth century. With this small text, I proved that things are not the way I want, but the he wants. But respect your opinion about it because I do not judge the character of a man by his religious beliefs, but by the simple life attitudes. I warmly thank the people who bother me, because they were a balm on the isolated moments of a hospital. I am sad about people who did not care or visited me, although not care for it, but it's a big disappointment on the things that always preach. Do you think that annoy me with this? Do Not! Absolutely not. Anyone who wants to come to me, that comes from happy heart and a smile on his face. I am very grateful that my parents were with me at that time. Therefore, I want the world to bend to his feet and the light and intelligence, transform your life into something much better. Why do I have turned my life, many moons ago and always modify every ecstasy I have. Living life is not to live only to live, but to live and mature every second of your day. I live so ... alive exponentially ...
"You do not need to leave home. \ Stay at your desk and listen. \ Do not just listen, but wait. \ Do not just wait, but stay alone in silence. \ Then the world will perform unmasked. \ Ecstatic, will bow on his feet." Franz Kafka
As you all know, I was hospitalized for nine days in the hospital Quinta D'Or. Anyway, past is past, just want to live the present in the most sublime way to exist. Those days were very impactful in my life, because I had a moment to think and analyze the smallest matters of a relationship between God and me. Kafka was a man of works depicting anxiety and alienation of man in the twentieth century. With this small text, I proved that things are not the way I want, but the he wants. But respect your opinion about it because I do not judge the character of a man by his religious beliefs, but by the simple life attitudes. I warmly thank the people who bother me, because they were a balm on the isolated moments of a hospital. I am sad about people who did not care or visited me, although not care for it, but it's a big disappointment on the things that always preach. Do you think that annoy me with this? Do Not! Absolutely not. Anyone who wants to come to me, that comes from happy heart and a smile on his face. I am very grateful that my parents were with me at that time. Therefore, I want the world to bend to his feet and the light and intelligence, transform your life into something much better. Why do I have turned my life, many moons ago and always modify every ecstasy I have. Living life is not to live only to live, but to live and mature every second of your day. I live so ... alive exponentially ...